Natural sciences
- Natural products chemistry
- Biochemistry and metabolism not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Reacting systems
- Chemical kinetics and thermodynamics
- Modelling, simulation and optimisation
- Transport phenomena not elsewhere classified
Utilization of biomass as a renewable feedstock to chemicals/materials is expected to become a key driver towards a future sustainable society. Biorefineries, converting non-edible lignocellulose, are central. Unraveling lignocellulose in its components and conversion to chemicals/materials are challenging; the chemical/physical behavior of lignocellulose is badly understood, while the identity and formation of the lignin-based product is underexplored. Defining realistic goals for biorefineries to replace existing technologies is therefore difficult. This project strives to a better understanding of fractionation and upgradation. For that, lignin engineering is used to manipulate compo- sition/reactivity of native lignin to facilitate lignin product release. Cutting edge analytics enable deep determination of the lignin product’s composition, and easier methods will be proposed therefrom. The chemical/physical phenomena are investigated delivering a comprehensive/predictive model of the refinery’s outcome. New chemistry (from the lignin’s product) to building blocks for future polymers (additives)/composite materials, is developed