Humanities and the arts
- Curatorial and related studies
- History
- Other history and archaeology
- Art studies and sciences
- Artistic design
- Audiovisual art and digital media
- Heritage
- Music
- Theatre and performance
- Visual arts
- Other arts
- Product development
- Study of regions
The centenary (2013) of the Feestlokaal Forward and the thirtieth anniversary of the Art Center that is housed, offers an opportunity to showcase the rich tangible and intangible heritage of the building, the socialist cooperative Forward and cultural activities and the arts center to a wide audience. The promoters and external partners to develop a rich 'content' by identifying tangible and intangible heritage, valorising and present accessible. Before the documentary heritage is preserved by AMSAB Institute of Social History and Arts Center explored. In addition, three projects are conducted oral history about the history of the last half century ahead. The opening takes the form of a website, mobile ICT applications in Feestlokaal Forward, an exhibition at STAM and a public book. For this, an appeal is made to the experience and expertise of external partners. 100 / 30th birthday ahead will no doubt appeal to a wide audience and a lot of media attention. This project aims to anticipate this with a quality heritage project which Ghent University historians -kunsthistorici, architects and engineers -multimedia contribute. It fits in the right neighborhood where forward and Ghent 'back to back' lives and will contribute to the appearance of Ghent University