Social sciences
- Education curriculum
- Education systems
- General pedagogical and educational sciences
- Specialist studies in education
- Other pedagogical and educational sciences
As part of its quality has chosen the government for a policy from the perspective of equity (see Policy Note Education and training from 2005 to 2009, p. 79 ff). Indeed, the government would provide the necessary assurances that acquire every young person in school skills to function independently in society, in order to start successful in further education and employment. Quality control implies that the government should consider at national level (at the level of the education system) the extent to which students actually acquire certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, the government in addition to a system of periodic assessments should (testing whether students reach the final and developmental Flemish) have internationally comparable research. In a world of globalization, it is necessary to compare the performance of the Flemish education internationally. Moreover, schools themselves asking for more feedback on their students' results. In particular they want valid and reliable tests that are standardized on a large scale that they can position themselves. Such research can use them in their self-evaluation. PISA guarantee such results.