Social sciences
- Business administration and accounting
- Management
High tech start-ups are often seen as the main source of value creation, innovation and employment in an economy. Research shows that only a small percentage of these starters is responsible for the major share of employment and wealth creation. A lot of tech start-ups do not grow. The main reason appears to lie in the fact that these starters have difficulty accessing resources, such as financial, technological and human resources, which should allow them to grow. This innovative study aims on the one hand provide a clear view of the innovation needs of tech start-ups in Flanders. We also want to investigate the determinants of this innovation needs. For example, growers have different innovation needs than non-growers? Defines the market strategy innovation needs? Or rather the composition of the team and the extent to which funding was raised? The innovative study is based on data that was previously collected in an IWT project. Here we depart from what is known about innovation needs in innovation and entrepreneurship literature. So Kazanijan argues that tech start-ups follow a life cycle, and that the problems that these starters are facing are highly dependent on the stage in the life cycle. He makes a distinction between initiation phase of development and growth. Heydebreck, Klofsten Maier and then identify four types of services: technology-related services, market-related services, finance and related services "soft" services.