Medical and health sciences
- Medical metabolomics
Engineering and technology
- Nanomaterials
There is an unmet need for samplers permitting rapid sample processing for a.o. precision medicine metabolomic fingerprinting. AIMS-based metabolomics allows to record mass spectra from samples in their native environment without the need for chromatographic separation. Existing samplers are not customized for this approach or matrix is burned along with the sample leading to interferences and contamination. In this StartTT we aim to deliver a functional prototype of a novel patented sampler. This sampler will be customized and finetuned to enable maximal extraction of any metabolome (liquid biopsies, food and environmental samples) while enabling direct AIMS-based metabolomics of captured molecules. Based on the aformentioned requirements, an optimized prototype sampler will be selected for upscaling. We intend to produce a large batch of the selected prototype through a collaboration with a CRO/CMO company and optimize the large batch production parameters in conjunction with that company. Finally, samplers will be evaluated for rapid metabolomics testing in a precision medicine pediatrics study.