
Causal inference and estimands in clinical studies

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Statistical data science
    • Biostatistics, statistical methodology in epidemiology and public health
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Biostatistics
causal inference estimands klinische studies intercurrent events missing data
Project description

The StatGent consulting unit of UGent supports applied research locally and for external clients, including for an EU SISAQOL-IMI grant on the analysis of the effect of new cancer therapies on Patient Reported Outcomes (PROMS). The applied research regularly leads to more general statistical questions in need of development of new methodology and estimators. That more fundamental research cannot be conducted under the sponsored activities of the consulting service. The basic funding will allow its scientific staff to spend time on statistical research motivated by important applied problems and to publish on it.  It will give them the opportunity to deepen their knowledge, be more creative and increase impact of the research. First, this budget will allow Dries Reynders to develop new statistical methods in the context of estimands for the analysis of PROMS in populations with high mortality, and missing data linked to intercurrent events. This will allow him to finish a PhD on this topic.