Natural sciences
- Climatology
- Limnology
- Sedimentology
- Palaeo-ecology
The research portfolio of the Limnology group connects the domains of paleoclimatology, paleoecology, lake studies, geography and archeology, and in thus unherently multidisciplinary. One primary research theme is the climate and environmental history of eastern equatorial Africa to construct a robust long-term perspective of modern-day interactions between humans, climate, ecosystems and landscapes that can guide climate-change adaptation and natural-resource management under increasing demographic pressure. Reconstructed long-term dynamics cover time scales ranging from the last century to the last 250,000 years, and always firmly anchored in present-day and historically registered system variability. We study these topics using the natural archive of long-term environmental change preserved in lake sediments, which is read using a wide range of geological, biogeochemical and biological indicators.