Natural sciences
- Electronic (transport) properties
- Magnetism and superconductivity
- High energy physics
- Algebraic structures in mathematical physics
- Quantum information, computation and communication
Within the Quantum Group @ Ghent University, there is a significant effort under the lead of Jutho Haegeman to develop open source software packages for tensor network simulations. Tensor network algorithms have become a well established tool to probe strongly correlated quantum many body systems and field theories, as well as to study classical statistical systems (statistical mechanics). The key features of the software packages being developed within the Quantum group are that they support general symmetries (non-abelian groups, fermions as well as generalised symmetries using the language of fusion categories). Our codes are furthermore benchmarked and tuned at all levels to achieve maximal efficiency, and are being adapted to make use of the latest trends in high performance scientific computing, such as GPU computing.