Engineering and technology
- Catalysis and reacting systems engineering not elsewhere classified
Bringing plastics into the circular economy is one of the great challenges of our age. C-PlaNeT lays the foundations
for a New Plastics Economy through a European Joint Doctoral Programme that trains 15 Early Stage Researchers
(ESRs) to become part of a new generation of scientists, engineers and policy makers for the EU’ circular economy,
which must include the design, processing, use and reuse of plastics. C-PlaNeT focuses on excellent international
research, training in complementary skills, including entrepreneurship and the translation of research into policy,
international as well as cross-organisational and intersectoral mobility, active involvement of the non-academic sector,
dissemination, awareness raising and public outreach.
As a truly multidisciplinary proposal, C-PlaNeT is well-balanced across different scientific fields of equal importance:
chemistry, social sciences, engineering, political sciences, product design and business model development. Moreover,
through the 20 non-university partners, C-PlaNeT is anchored across all sectors relevant for the Circularity of Plastics.
All ESRs will advance the current state-of-the-art of their respective fields, which together cover the whole life cycle
of plastics. To this end, they are supervised by at least 2 promotors from 2 universities and a partner outside university,
with whom they will also take an internship. They will participate with each other in a cooperative learning scheme
to take their research beyond the borders of their own respective disciplines and gain a holistic appreciation for the
complex issue of Plastics in a Circular Economy.
As such C-Planet has the ambition to be a game changer for the circularity of plastics as a material resource, based on
and excellent and multidisciplinary research and training programme.