
Depression in early adolescence: the relationship between emotion and cognitive control processes

01 October 2013 → 30 September 2017
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Clinical and counselling psychology
    • Developmental psychology and ageing
    • Other psychology and cognitive sciences
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Psychiatry and psychotherapy
    • Psychiatry and psychotherapy
    • Nursing
    • Other paramedical sciences
    • Psychiatry and psychotherapy
perturbed emotion regulation executive control deficits underlying mechanisms of MDD
Project description

In this study we suggest that executive control deficits could be an important underlying mechanism of the difficulties in information processing and the perturbed emotion regulation that characterizes MDD. Therefore it is the central goal of the current project to investigate cognitive processing of emotional material in depressed adolescents using different experimental paradigms targeting inhibition, updating, attentional control and shifting.