Social sciences
- Advertising
Many consumers want to make healthier and more sustainable choices, but find it hard to do so in the supermarket environment,
where decisions are made in a situaon characterized by me pressure and informaon overload. At the same me, retailers,
manufacturers and regulators struggle with geng insights about consumers’in-store behaviour that would allow them to design
product labels, shelves and stores in a way that helps consumers making beer decisions.
In order to help manufacturers, retailers and regulators to develop products and food choice environments that smulate healthier
and more sustainable choices, EIT Food has started the Consumer Observatory, aiming to create Europe’ central hub for consumer
insights on agri-food topics. In order to achieve this aim, the Consumer Observatory, in addion to the instruments it already has
developed, urgently needs a methodology to analyse in-store consumer behaviour. Such a methodology would need to cover both
the cognive and emoonal reacons of consumers to the in-store environment and link these reacons to actual behaviour at the
shelf, and it would need to be mobile, being able to be applied in different stores as need arises, without the need for sophiscated
permanent installaons. While a number of commercial actors currently offer analyses of in-store consumer behaviour, none of
these lives up to these requirements.
The current proposal therefore aims at developing such a methodology, based upon a combinaon of 3D sensor analysis that
monitors movements in the store and shelf-related behaviours, physiological measurement of arousal in the store and recording of
cognive reacons to in-store smuli. The aim of this project is to develop the methodology, apply it in a pilot study in a store
environment, and validate the usability of the results with manufacturers, retailers and regulators. If successful, the methodology
will then subsequently become part of the toolbox of the EIT Food Consumer Observatory and be applied on a large scale across
This project directly contributes to the priority challenge called "Increased uptake of affordable, nutrious, sustainable food
products targeng NCD risks in key markets and demographics", by generang evidence that can directly be used to create a beer
alignment between consumers’desire to make healthier and more sustainable food choices and the choice environment in which
these choices occur.
By enabling changes in food choice environments that lead to healthier and more sustainable choices, the insights generated will
contribute both to beer health outcomes from consumers’diet along with improved environmental impact of the agrifood
system. It also contributes to the other priority challenges linked to Labelling, Packaging and Transparency priority area.