
Phosphonamide pyrabactin analogues: crop protection under more stringent climate conditions

Pyrabactin analogues
F2015/IOF STAR/338
01 May 2016 → 31 October 2017
Regional and community funding: Industrial Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural animal production
    • Agricultural plant production
    • Agriculture, land and farm management
    • Other agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences
crop protection
Project description

Within this StarTT project, we wish to scale up the synthesis method and produce a larger quantity of new agrochemicals. The Arabidopsis data will then be validated in barley. Furthermore, the library of analogues will be expanded to extend the scope of this product class to other ABA-related processes such as seed germination, root development, somatic embryogenesis, etc. This will result in an extension of the IP. The availability of larger quantities of these leads is also essential for the continuation of the valorization process, which is currently running in collaboration with a company.