
Profound study of blood-brain and blood-CSF barrier disruption in systemic inflammatory disorders

01 October 2012 → 14 June 2013
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Biochemistry and metabolism
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
    • Morphological sciences
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
    • Morphological sciences
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
    • Morphological sciences
inflammation sepsis SIRS blood-brain barrier
Project description

SIRS is a mortal disease, associated with systemic inflammation and organ dysfunction. Since the brain is the first organ affected, in this project, we will unravel the role of the CNS-barriers in the communication of the periphery with the CNS. We want to identify when, where and how barrier-leakage is induced, which is vital to identify new potential therapeutic targets.