
Test&Tell - sexual health for transgender and non-binary people

01 June 2024 → 31 May 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Gender, sexuality and education
    • Sociology of gender and gender relations
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Epidemiology
sexual health sexuality transgender gender diversity non binary sexual wellbeing
Project description

Transgender people, being people who do not or to a lesser extent identify with their birth-assigned gender, are listed by the WHO as one of the five high risk groups for HIV. Indeed, globally very high prevalence rates are reported, however researchers have critized current research regarding transgender and HIV and even more, there is a complete lack of data for Flanders, Belgium and even Europe. To investigate the prevalence and broader sexual health of transgender and non-binary persons in Flanders, the Test&Tell study was set up, using a 2-stage random sample research design, to be able to report an HIV prevalence that is reliable and generalizable for the TNGB community as a whole. Within this research design, participants were recruited from healthcare as well as community settings.

However, it is important to not only disseminate research results in academic settings, but also give these results back to the TGNB community itself. Hence, based on the research results, content regarding sexual health and sexual wellbeing will be developed to integrate in the website of Transgender Infopunt, aiming at content that is easy accessible, using infographics and visuals. Furthermore, content will be developed for partner organizations to integrate into their work, and a closing meeting will be organised regarding the topic transgender and sexual health and wellbeing.