Yearly, about 150000 people develop peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) in Europe alone. PC is characterized by the spread of numerous small tumor nodules in the peritoneal cavity. After initial surgery, where as many tumor nodules are removed as possible, the patients receive the intraperitoneal injection of chemotherapeutics such as cisplatin. The prognosis of this patients is however poor, with a median survival of 8 to 12 months. Currently, the nebulization of an aerosol of chemotherapeutics in the peritoneal cavity under high pressure (PIPAC) is evaluated in the clinic, to enhance the residence time in the peritoneal cavity and ensure an optimal coverage of the whole peritoneal surface. Also, the peritoneal administration of biopharmaceuticals such as nucleic acids and antibodies is evaluated to increase tumor specificity and to decrease spreading and growth of tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity. In this project, we will evaluate the potential of nebulization of thermosensitive hydrogels as controlled release system for the peritoneal delivery of chemotherapeutics, nanoparticles and biopharmaceuticals such as nucleic acids and antibodies. Therefore, we developed an ex vivo model to test the effect of high pressure nebulization of nanoparticles and hydrogels on isolated peritoneal tissue. The controlled release properties of hydrogels will be optimized in vitro and further evaluated in vivo in a rat model of peritoneal carcinomatosis.