
The study of EADs in the TNNP model

01 October 2011 → 30 September 2018
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Biophysics
    • Biophysics
    • Biophysics
EADs hart modeling cardiac arrythmias
Project description

The TNNP model is a mathematical model of the action potential of the human ventricular cells, based on recent experimental data of most of the ionic current in the cell. By modeling the hart, we can study cardiac arrythmias in the hart by performing computer simulations. A possible source is Early Afterdepolarizations of EADs, which is defined as a slowing or reversal of normal repolarization during phase 2 or 3 of the action potential. In this study we want to link EADs to cardiac arrhytmias and understand this process in detail, which could help finding a treatment.