Social sciences
- Economic geography
- Human geography
- Recreation, leisure and tourism geography
- Urban and regional geography
- Other social and economic geography
Engineering and technology
- Urban and regional design, development and planning
Under the influence of the environment and climate change is their a growing need for sustainable urban design, compact building, compact and green at the same time. Ecological neighbourhoods are a possible answer to tackle this challenge.
Often is the description of ecological neihbourhouds today limited to energy efficienty, watersaving measures, other types of mobility and the role of participation.
This study explicitly chooses an additional perspective; which are the potentials of green and the design of public space in ecological neighbourhoods.
The finality of the study consists of a report in which the conditions of ecological neihbourhouds are defined (Part A) and a wide range of inspiring examples of ecological neighbourhoods in Flanders, Belgium and abroad (Part B).