Engineering and technology
- Functionalisation of materials
- Materials recycling and valorisation
- Polymer processing
- Polymer recycling
- Polymers and plastics
Relying on and combining the unique experimental expertise of UMONS and the modeling expertise
of UGent, UPMOST intuitively situates in the frame of (1) environmental pollution with persisting
plastics and (2) linearity of plastics economy; and proposes a novel upcycling approach as an
alternative to more conventional recycling via the recreation of value-added performance materials,
and specialty polymers from plastic waste. More precisely, UPMOST proposes to perform modelbased optimization and validation of a faster, shorter, and more energy efficient (semi)continuous
upcycling technology, as a keystone in plastics circularity and ecological responsiveness. Indeed,
exploiting the Consortium knowledge on melt-based modification to cause a paradigm shift in solidstate modification (SSM), UPMOST brings a step forward plastics circularity and ecological
responsiveness by dealing with two General and two Intermediate goals by the means of a molecular
scale-based design, using multi-scale modelling to connect transport and reaction (UGent expertise;
unique in Flanders) for a melt- and solid-state based modification process (UMONS expertise; unique
in Wallonia).