Natural sciences
- Degenerate quantum gases and atom optics
- Quantum information, computation and communication
- Quantum optics
Cold atom experiments worldwide are currently playing a leading role in our exploration of the quantum realm. To kick-start this line of research in Flanders, we are setting up a first Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) experiment. A BEC consists of several thousands of atoms cooled with advanced magneto-optical techniques to a temperature less than a microKelvin. At these extremely low temperatures the atoms condense into one coherent quantum state that can be controlled and manipulated, thereby providing a unique window onto the quantum behavior of many body systems. We are applying for a state of the art custom-designed projection laser system that will be vital for doing actual
research with the BEC system. This system will “paint” optical traps onto the cloud of BEC atoms, with a high resolution and framerate. This high level of control on the BEC turns it into a genuine quantum simulator. We plan experiments on cutting-edge topics in quantum many body physics, including: non-equilibrium phenomena like prethermalization,
quantum turbulence and collective BEC excitations. In addition, in the context of quantum technological applications, we plan to explore the possible interfacing of BEC atoms with photonic devices. Our consortium is a collaboration of applied and fundamental physicists, with (co)-supervisors of 5 research groups, both from the science and engineering faculty of UGent. It is also a interuniversity collaboration with cosupervisors from UA and KUL.