
Next-generation biodiversity assessment and environmental monitoring of benthic communities using high-throughput DNA metabarcoding

01 March 2014 → 01 March 2017
Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Systems biology
benthic communities
Project description

Primary objective
To effectively and comprehensively characterise marine benthic communities in north Norwegian waters using high-throughput DNA metabarcoding
Secondary objectives
1. To develop holistic and effective methods for DNA metabarcoding of benthic communities based on PCR-free high-throughput sequencing
2. To analyse benthic diversity in unprecedented detail along a natural diversity gradient in a north Norwegian fjord
3. To analyse benthic diversity in environments influenced by two types of human activities, aquaculture and oil production
4. To use the knowledge obtained to develop high-throughput sequencing as a tool in environmental monitoring and test its applicability for monitoring human impact
5. To build taxonomic competence and contribute to a molecular reference database with particular focus on marine nematodes