
Validating predictive models of radiotherapy toxicity to improve quality-of-life and reduce side-effects in cancer survivors

01 October 2013 → 30 September 2018
European funding: framework programme
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Palliative care and end-of-life care
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Other basic sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Palliative care and end-of-life care
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Other clinical sciences
    • Other health sciences
    • Nursing
    • Other paramedical sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Palliative care and end-of-life care
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Other translational sciences
    • Other medical and health sciences
cancer survivors
Project description

REQUITE aims to develop validated clinical models and incorporate biomarkers to identify before treatment cancer patients at risk of side-effects and use the models to design interventional trials aimed at reducing side-effects and improving QoL in cancer survivors who underwent radiotherapy


1. carry out a multi-centre, obeservational study to collect standardised data and samples in breast, prostate and lung cancer patients;

2. validate biomarkers with published evidence of predictive value;

3. replicate published clinical models and incorporate replicated biomarkers to create validated predictive algorithms;

4. use the prospectively validated models and biomarkers to design interventional trial protocols aiming to reduce side-effects and improve QoL in high-risk patients.