
Use of alternative cereals and pseudocereals for the production of high-quality innovative beers (AlterBrew)

01 October 2019 → 31 December 2021
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Other (bio)chemical engineering not elsewhere classified
    • Fermentation
    • Industrial microbiology
    • Industrial biotechnology not elsewhere classified
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Food fermentation
    • Food sensory sciences
    • Food sciences and (bio)technology not elsewhere classified
beer einkorn emmer wheat spelt khorasan quinoa amaranth buckwheat sorghum teff tritordeum unmalted alternative cereals pseudocereals diversification beer flavour beer quality beer stability
Project description

In response to increasing consumer demand for new beer flavours and styles, this project investigated the applicability of unmalted alternative cereals and pseudocereals. It explored how brewers can implement these alternative raw materials into the brewing process. This involved scaling up from lab to industrial scale. The impact on the flavour, quality and stability of the innovative beers was examined. The alternative cereals that were investigated are the ancient wheat varieties einkorn, emmer wheat, spelt and khorasan; the pseudocereals quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat, and other less common cereals such as sorghum, teff and tritordeum.