Social sciences
- Biological and physiological psychology
- Cognitive science and intelligent systems
- Developmental psychology and ageing
Medical and health sciences
- Neurosciences
- Neurosciences
- Neurosciences
The goal of this project is the development of an EEG cap / headset which is provided with user-friendly dry electrodes, and that meets its design to the needs of the users in terms of comfort and aesthetics, without the functional and technical requirements from the eye to lose. Developed EEC hood / headset should allow the detection of high-quality brain signals. For this purpose, the number of electrodes in the cap / headset should allow the detection of high-quality brain signals. To this end, the number of electrodes in the cap / headset needs to be sufficiently high (min. 21 positions is desired) so that clinical neurological disorders such as epilepsy can be investigated. This EEC cap / headset can be worn at home thus recording is superfluous in the hospital for a number of patients and the number of patients that can be examined is increasing.