
CONNECT: Multilingual Communication on COVID 19

01 July 2020 → 31 January 2021
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Sociolinguistics
    • Translation studies
    • Interpreting studies
  • Social sciences
    • Intercultural communication
CONNECT Multilingual Communication COVID-19
Project description

Connect is Corona Coock research project funded by VLAIO. The projects aims at supporting the healthcare sector to communicate multilingually about COVID-19.

To reach that goal, UGent, HOGENT and VUB develop an online platform onto which multilingual healthcare information can be uploaded, exchanged or used and can be translated to five languages (Arabic, English, Farsi, French and Turkish). The opensource platform offers centralised information; healthcare institutions can find information on one platform that can be used for own purposes. In doing so, Connect guarantees quick access to information in urgent situations, as well as when new turns occur, such as for example the development and distribution of a vaccine.

Healthcare workers can use the multilingual information of the platform to guarantee communication with multilingual citizens in times of social distancing in a safe way.


Connect - output

  • DRUPAL opensource platform
  • Information translated to Arabic, English, Farsi, French and Turkish
  • Widespread valorisation: workshop, educational materials