Engineering and technology
- Data communications
- Optical fibre communications
- Optical networks and systems
- Telecommunication and remote sensing
- Biosensors
- Smart sensors
The aim is to implement and validate a number of possibly patentable ideas which can form the basis of a novel proprietary technology platform to integrate optical components on a compact glass chip. The basic building blocks to establish such systems on glass have been established in several other projects. If successful, this allows to drastically reduce the formfactor and cost of this type of components, matching the ongoing miniaturization of photonic functionality via Silicon Photonics, thus leading to full miniaturization at system level when both technologies are combined. The developed technologies will be validated in a demonstrator, aiming at a 5x cost reduction, and a performance comparable to currently existing optical components. The demonstrator can form the basis for further development towards a prototype and is of direct interest to a range of companies, active in distributed sensing, telecommunications and medical sectors.