
Introduction of pathogens via pollen, bees and beekeeping products: identification of risk for the protection of plant and pollinator

01 January 2016 → 31 December 2018
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Plant biology
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural plant production
    • Horticultural production
crop protection
Project description

Introduction of pathogens by pollen, bees and bee products: risk identification in order to protect plant and pollinator.
Aspect plant health: * Which phypathogens (quarantine organisms) are present in imported pollen and bees? * What is the risk of the use of imported pollen and bees for the introduction and distribution of phytopathogens (quarantine organisms) in fruit crops?
Aspect animal health (bee health): * Which pathogens of honeybees and other pollinators are present in imported pollen, bees and bee products (honey)? * What is the risk of the use of imported pollen, bees and bee products for the introduction and distribution of pathogens of bees and other pollinators like bumblebees?