
Postcolonial theorization: identity, hybridity, creolisation and liminality

15 October 2010 → 14 April 2011
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Language studies
    • Literary studies
    • Theory and methodology of language studies
    • Theory and methodology of linguistics
    • Theory and methodology of literary studies
    • Other languages and literary studies
postcolonial creolisation identity Afrikaans
Project description

This project explores the postcolonial theorization on constructs such as identity, hybridity, creolisation and liminality. It focuses on the writing of Black Afrikaans speakers, Dutch Caribbean and immigrant writers. The quostion is how these writers represent the world, how they engage in the dominant discourses and in which way they make use of their vernacular and folkloric elements.