Humanities and the arts
- Other philosophy, ethics and religious studies not elsewhere classified
- Other humanities and the arts
The aim of this research project is to improve the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in children
and to potentially advance the detection of drug resistance from one simplified clinical sampling.
The string test proposes a new technique to obtain the same clinical sample which is the gastric
content. The specific objectives of the study are to explore the potential of using a new tool: the
"string test" for the diagnosis of TB in children. Given the difficulties of diagnosing TB in children, one
specific objective of this study is to evaluate the recovery rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from
the gastric content by the "string test", as compared to the sputum induction and gastric aspiration,
in children suspected of pulmonary TB. The feasibility and sensitivity of the new string test will be
investigated. The second specific objective will be to explore combining the string test with the
GenoType MTBDRplus and/or GenXpert, for the detection of rifampicin resistance. This research
study could represent a significant step forward to diagnose TB and detect drug resistance in
children. To our knowledge, this has never been evaluated before.