
Archaeological Monuments and Petroglyphs in the Altay Mountains

01 March 2011 → 20 July 2011
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Archaeology
    • Theory and methodology of archaeology
    • Other history and archaeology
petroglyphs archeology funeral monuments landscape
Project description

The research during this 4 months visit was concentrated ont the petroglyphs of the Altay Mountains. The Altari-database, which gathers at lot of archaeological monuments in the area of the Altay Mountains was completed and refined with information coming from study of petroglyps (identification, determination and chronology).

This visit was also the opportunity to do a landscape research on the relation between the petroglyphs and the archaeological monuments in the valley of Dzhazator (Siberia, Russia)dating from the late Neolithic to the Ethnographic period. This landscape study revealed occupation patterns in this valley, over all periods. In the frame of this fellowsip, a paper has been prepared and submitted to the A1-review Journal of Field Archaeolgy.