
GRass as GReen Gas Resource: Energy from landscapes by promoting the use of grass residues of a renewable energy resource

01 April 2013 → 31 March 2016
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Organic chemistry
grass residues
Project description

The GR3 project will promote the use of grass and other herbaceous residues from landscape management as a resource for biogas production in regions of Belgium, Italy, Germany, Denmark and Portugal. The energy potential of these residues remains underutilized across Europe. Barriers are insufficient awareness and acceptance of suitable technologies for the mowing. storage and anaerobic digestion of grass residues, absence or lack of cooperation between stakeholders along the value chain, as well as legal barriers. As a result, weel-adapted supply chains of grass residues to biogas plants remain largely absent in the 5 targeted regions and beyond.