Engineering and technology
- Biomaterials engineering not elsewhere classified
According to WHO, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of organic pollutants of significant concern due to their toxic, genotoxic, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties and further due to their persistence and resistance toward biodegradation. Physical and chemical treatment methods of polluted sites are costly and often fail or result in the formation of more persistent products. Although microbial degradation is the most suitable alternative solution, it can result in left-over recalcitrant fractions, toxic for higher animals or inhibitory for microorganisms. In the proposed project, we are aiming to overcome these challenges. Herewith, we will develop hybrid particle/hydrogel/bacterial carriers that: (i) incorporate a hydrophobic matrix increasing the sorption of recalcitrant PAHs that are present in low concentrations and making them available to the PAH degrading microbial consortium, (ii) support a spatial distribution of microbial cells, resulting in the formation of for aerobic and anaerobic niches, and (iii) ensure oxidative degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Such advanced carriers, which adsorb adverse molecules present in the environment, are already becoming important constituents of modern sustainable development and in this project, we would like to advance the technology by functionalizing it with microbial consortia that selectively perform specific metabolic transformations.