
PRODIGY: PROcess-Decision Integration for KnowledGe-intensive Process Modeling and DiscoverY

01 January 2019 → 31 December 2022
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Management information systems
knowledge-intensive process modeling
Project description

Modeling and automating business processes is important for improving efficiency and effectiveness
in businesses. During the execution of a business process, a plethora of business decisions need to
be made in order to ensure the correct enactment of the business process. With increasing
automation of business processes, the need for the automation of routine business decisions grows,
as business processes contain a lot of decisions or can even be the enactment of one major decision.
Despite extensive research on how to design process models, the question of integrated process
and decision design has received less attention in literature. However, the integration of decisions
with processes is of paramount importance for knowledge-intensive processes. The knowledge that
is encapsulated in the decisions is strongly needed for automation, since decision-making (in e.g.
online and mobile applications) needs to be faster and more efficient. Therefore, it is important that
the decision logic can be formulated in a correct, flexible and maintainable way. Sound decision
modeling and mining techniques are required that allow to unambiguously describe and implement
the decisions deployed in business processes and systems. Although a lot of research has already
been devoted to process modeling and mining quality criteria, there is still a lot of research to be
done on the decision side, and especially on the integration between decisions and processes, both
in modeling and mining.