
Stable techniques and management tools for the reduction of odor and fine dust emissions in the Flemish pig farms - BLES Controlling Air Quality and Emissions in housing systems

01 January 2014 → 31 December 2017
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Ecology
    • Environmental science and management
    • Other environmental sciences
pig farm particulate matter
Project description

The project aims to offer solutions through the development, provision and take-up of appropriate stable management tools and techniques for the reduction of odors and particulate matter emissions from both existing and new stables. For this purpose is used in ventilation techniques as important techniques preventiee measure for air treatment, as a necessary end-of-pipe solution, and techniques for guiding air outside the shed as a major part of the solution to the Flemish situation. The stable of future needs innovative, affordable and easy to implement technology combinations for reducing emissions of odor, ammonia and particulate matter. This innovative approach from technology combinations is also reflected in the development of end-of-pipe technologies that are now seen as integral parts of a stable concept, rather than pure '' add-on 'systems.