
ICP-TOF-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer, equipped with a Time-of-Flight analyzer)

01 June 2018 → 31 May 2020
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Analytical chemistry not elsewhere classified
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Pharmaceutical analysis and quality assurance not elsewhere classified
mass spectrometry laser ablation transient signals nanoparticles
Project description

The A&MS research unit aspires the purchase of an ICP-mass spectrometer equipped with a timeof-flight analyzer. Simultaneous monitoring of the entire elemental mass spectrum (33,000 full mass spectra per second) offers generic advantages, but especially renders the instrumentation extremely well suited for multi-element analysis in case of short transient signals, as encountered
with laser ablation ICP-MS or single particle ICP-MS (characterization of nanoparticles). Spectral interferences are avoided via higher mass resolution and/or chemical resolution in a collision/reaction cell.