
Moving to an active lifestyle in cancer survivors: A context-aware personalized eHealth approach

01 October 2021 → 30 September 2027
Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Health psychology
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Behavioural sciences
    • Human movement and sports sciences not elsewhere classified
pain cancer eHealth physical activity
Project description

Many ex-cancer patients are aware that an active lifestyle is healthy, but fail to achieve it. Support that takes into account preferences and wishes (personalized) and context (at
home, at work, weather conditions, physical complaints...) is necessary.
There is no such intervention available, also for ex-cancer patients. To realize this, an interdisciplinary
synergy wil! be created. The behavioral Science promoters will provide expertise in behavioral change and coping with chronic complaints (pain and fatigue). The engineering
Sciences will develop the required app via intelligent algorithms from the field of artificial intelligence.
The goal is to create a context-aware personalized eHealth intervention for
an active lifestyle in order to improve the quality of life of ex-cancer patients.