
Security and privacy for online social networks

01-01-2011 → 31-12-2014
Regional and community funding: various
  • Natural sciences
    • Applied mathematics in specific fields
sociaal netwerk

The number of online social networks and the number of participants in these networks is large and growing. Security and privacy are a concern here, especially regarding the collection of data in digital files, secondary data, cyberstalking and liability's. Social network infrastructures that are well designed to provide new opportunities for secure and privacy-enhancing forms of interaction. Multidisciplinary research with the technical aspects of encryption, access control, authentication, confidentialiteitsbewaking and identiteismanagemment combined with the legal implications of social aspects and use and behavioral findings, a framework of recommendations is developed based on cognitive and behavioral tendencies of SNS users (social network services) that privacy and security are affected and the economic patterns concerning data exchange in SNS. There are design principles established for SNS with acceptable privacy and security, adequate, doegerichte awareness of the exposure to the user. Also, the economics of phishing and social engineering through SNS applications are studied as well as the privacy awareness and feedback methods to the user. Finally nudging techniques for improved privacy protection are studied in SNS. The consortium for the user side included the education department of Ghent University, both from a pedagogical standpoint to training young people for better use and vulnerability to this group of SNS-abuse.