Natural sciences
- Scientific computing
- Bioinformatics and computational biology
Medical and health sciences
- Bioinformatics and computational biology
- Bioinformatics and computational biology
- Public health care
- Public health services
- Bioinformatics and computational biology
Engineering and technology
- Scientific computing
Laboratories may opt for blood analysis for full automation, semi-automated or fully manual version. By a European directive every laboratory should be able to produce a good traceability of the analyzes and results displayed. With full automation of the blood analysis or semi-automation that traceability can be guaranteed. VidimSoft now produces already hardware and software for traceability, digitization, and interpretation of BioVue cassettes for Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (OrthScan). For smaller laoratoria with manual blood analysis, however, is a problem. For this we want to offer a new product: VidimScan. This would allow these laboratories to perform a safe and traceable manner, in accordance with the European Directive. VidimSoft estimates that in Europe, 70% of the smaller lab's work completely manual which is a huge potential market. The larger vendors are not really into these smaller labs's interested because they want to wear expensive equipment or linking low Projs a compulsory purchase of large amounts of own-brand consumer goods (mostly reagent rental basis). The smaller laboratories can not, however, afford this.