Medical and health sciences
- Laboratory medicine
- Laboratory medicine
- Laboratory medicine
The objective of the ljzermonding 2015 campaign is to have an additional hyperspectral image of the area for studying long
term time evolution of this intertidal area.
An additional objective is to study the variability of the spectral signal of the intertidal sediments during one low tide. Up to
now, all images are single images taken at particular single time points during low tide. As all past images were taken during
spring/summer, this allows monitoring long-term (years) variability. However, biological activity (biomass of migrating
microphytobenthic biofilms) can vary considerably over one tidal cycle. The possibility to make use of a drone with
multi spectral camera allows to study this tidal variability, i.e. the variation of the signal of the dry intertidal during low tide. To
do this a relatively small area will be delineated in the more muddy (western) zone of the ljzermonding area, where variation
of the spectral signal is expected due to the presence of dense microphytobenthic biofilms.