
Exploring the potential of cytotoxic biologicals or synthetic drugs in cancer cell models

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Proteins
    • Cytoskeleton
    • Cancer biology
  • Engineering and technology
    • Biomedical image processing
Biochemical experiments functional screening of natural products cancer biology
Project description

Cancer affects millions of people a year worldwide. To combat cancer the cytotoxic potential of novel drugs of natural origin or the application of specific combinations of existing drugs with increased efficacy are an active area of research. The main topic in the research group is exploring structure-activity relations of cytotoxic cyclic lipopeptides produced by Pseudomonas bacteria or chemically synthesized derivatives of these biologicals using in vitro analysis on cancer cell lines of diverse origin. The unique cell death inducing mechanism of these lipopeptides in which the cancer cell membrane is targeted is also investigated. As general approach to address cytotoxicity in this research line and in ongoing parallel collaborative research, we address the urgent need for standardization of specific cell-based assays and combine reductionist approaches (biochemical, molecular cell biology, microscopy, …) with systems biology approaches (proteomics, imaging analysis, bioinformatics, …).