
The stylistics of contrived simplicity (apheleia) in novelistic and biographical fiction: Xenophon of Ephesus and Xenophon of Athens' Cyropaedia

07 February 2011 → 06 August 2011
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Language studies
    • Literary studies
    • Theory and methodology of language studies
    • Theory and methodology of linguistics
    • Theory and methodology of literary studies
    • Other languages and literary studies
apheleia ancient novel ancient rhetoric ancient biography stylistics
Project description

This research project is positioned on the intersection of ancient novels and biographies, two extremely and cross-culturally influential genres from (late) Antiquity. It aims to address longstanding questions of the literary nature, background and readership by adopting an innovative approach: the analysis of the construction of apheleia in novelistic and biographical narrative.