
The incel community: How the internet contributes to the presence of online misogyny within the manosphere

01 November 2023 → 31 October 2027
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Causes and prevention of crime
    • Criminology not elsewhere classified
online deviancy online misogyny cyberviolence
Project description

Online misogyny has steadily risen over the years. One main hub of this hate is the manosphere, a network of misogynistic groups, including the incel community. The incel community is known for its members who, due to their lack of romantic and/or sexual success, vent their hostility towards women and society in general on various forums. Though research into online misogyny and misogynistic groups is slowly rising, more knowledge is needed on why people are motivated to join these kinds of communities, the social dynamics of these platforms, as well as how these communities contribute to online misogynistic radicalisation. Using a mixed methods approach, this study will contribute to gaining a holistic view of the incel community, and how this community radicalises people into misogynistic beliefs. Attention will be paid to the characteristics of incels, their motivations to join and participate in this community, and their experiences and interactions online. Further, it will be analysed how the incel community contributes to the development, sustainment and spreading of online misogyny. This will be achieved by conducting a virtual ethnographic study consisting of observations and the use of forum metrics, interviews and a survey. The resulting knowledge will contribute towards furthering criminological knowledge gaining knowledge on the process of radicalisation and underlying factors that contribute towards it, more specifically within the domain of gendered hate.