
High-temperature investigation on current and future generations of cathode materials

10 August 2022 → 21 September 2025 (Ongoing)
Doctoral researcher
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Crystallography
    • Kinetics
    • Phase transformations
    • Thermodynamics
  • Engineering and technology
    • Materials processing
    • Materials synthesis
Lithium ion battery electrode in situ X-ray scattering methods high temperature
Project description

The goal of this research project is to determine the reaction kinetics for the high-temperature processes that occur in the production of cathode materials. This is both on current generation LiNi0.8 Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) and future generations of cathode materials, such as high-Ni LiNi1-x-yMnxCoyO2 (NMC, 1-x-y > 0.9), Li-Ni-Mn-O spinelles (HNS), over-lithiated Li-Mn-Ni-oxides (HLM), Na-ion, ...

For the proposed doctoral research, 3 concrete objectives were defined:

  • Establishing a correct methodology for, and successfully performing in-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Simultaneous Thermal Analysis - Mass Spectrometry (STA-MS) measurements at 25-1000 °C. The methodology should take into account practical aspects of cathode material processes, and should minimize side effects of lab-scale experiments.
  • Determine the rate-determining step for cathode production processes.

  • Determine a solid-state kinetic model based on the in-situ XRD and STA-MS measurements, and determine the applicability of these modes to pilot/mass production

These goals should be achieved for current (NMC 80% Ni) and next generation (NMC >90% Ni, HNS, HLM) products, and for Na-ion chemistry (bonus).

Given the current trend of mass electrification of the vehicle fleet, exponential growth in cathode material production becomes necessary. At the same time, the pressure to make electric cars cheaper also increases. Since the battery is the largest part of the cost of an electric car, the materials and processes used to make them must also undergo a thorough cost reduction.

Determining the reaction kinetics for cathode materials allows:

  • Choose the optimal process settings for current processes. This increases production capacity and reduces process costs.

  • For future processes, select the optimal technology. Since CAPEX is an important cost factor, selecting an equally technically feasible but significantly cheaper technology can further reduce the cost.