Social sciences
- Cognitive processes
- Sensory processes and perception
- Research methods and experimental design
The TOBII TX300 is a fully-integrated, remote desktop-mounted eye tracker. Tracking of both eyes (pupils) is
based on infra-red light emitting diodes that create corneal reflections of the participant’ eyes. These diodes and
the tracking cameras are integrated within the system and located underneath the 23 inch (58.42 cm) TOBII
computer screen.
- Other available eye trackers are normally separate from stimulus-display computers and require several
computers to be moved around. The TOBII system is fully integrated requiring only 1 computer for display of task
stimuli and concurrent eye movement recording. This feature enables fast set-up and dismantling as well as easy
transportability between the involved departments and UZ. Its comparable light weight further supports easy
mobility (4kg).
- The system features a 300hz data acquisition rate (one recorded data point every 3.33ms) and a visual accuracy
of 0.5deg, which make it a high-precision instrument with excellent temporal as well as spatial resolution.
- Most commercially available eye trackers acquire data from either the left or the right eye. The TOBII 300
system uses simultaneous tracking of both eyes. This is an essential requirement for developmental and patient
populations, who are characterised by high levels of head motion and low fixation ability.
- Loss of data due to head motion is further reduced by the in-built head tracker, which, in other systems, requires
additional pieces of equipment.
- In terms of software requirements for data acquisition, processing, and analysis, a bundle of several software
packages is requested, which allows maximal exploitation of the capacities of the TOBII system and which result in
utmost flexibility for the different users. Specifically, the basic in-house TOBII stimulus presentation software and Eprime
are convenient for beginning users (masters or PhD students) for the presentation of simple visual displays.
The matlab option is for more advanced users to gain full experimental control of movies, gaze-contingent
paradigms, and low level visual stimuli. This package also enable sophisticated data analysis methods.
- An integrated microphone allows to examine cross-modal integration as task stimuli can be driven by voice