
Modulatory effects of the diet and Helicobacter gastritis in the association between high red (processed) meat consumption and oxidative stress. 

01 October 2016 → 30 September 2019
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural animal production
    • Fisheries sciences
    • Veterinary medicine
Project description

A high consumption of red (processed) meat is associated with a higher risk to develop a range of chronic diseases such as colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Although the underlying mechanisms are still not elucidated, oxidative stress following high red (processed) meat consumption could contribute to the onset and progression of these diseases. The Ph.D. thesis of the applying researcher showed that high amounts of haem-Fe and fat in meat stimulated the formation of toxic oxidation products and N-nitroso-compound derivative DNA adducts during digestion. Furthermore, these meats induced systemic oxidative stress and inflammation in rats. This follow-up research proposal will investigate how these toxic effects during digestion are influenced by other dietary foods and by an inflamed stomach. Helicobacter pylori is a widely prevalent bacteria in the human stomach, and even though the majority of infections are asymptomatic, oxidative stress and inflammation in the stomach often occurs. Therefore, harmful oxygen radicals in the inflamed stomach may stimulate oxidation during meat digestion and absorption of these toxic compounds may contribute to a wide range of diseases. This project will study these interactions using in vitro digestion models, animal feeding trials and a human intervention study. Both specific biomarkers as well as an untargeted metabolomics and ‘DNAadductomics’ platform will be used to gain insight in the underlying mechanisms.