
Wave Measurements inner harbor Ostend - Phase 2 and 3

01 September 2007 → 31 January 2011
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Construction engineering
    • Earthquake engineering
    • Geotechnical and environmental engineering
    • Water engineering
    • Wind engineering
wave measurements
Project description

The adoption aims to measure the waves at the port of Ostend on the data locations for the proposed measurement period by means of pressure sensors. The wave climate at the port (measurement with pressure sensors) will be in each case related to the wave conditions on the sea (wave buoys) The measurements derived results are used for the calibration of numerical and physical models for determining the wave climate within the port in the initial, temporary and future situations for OW plan. Using these modeling the hydraulic conditions are determined for estimating the flood measures around the harbor and the workability for shipping.