01 October 2017 → 31 March 2021
European funding: framework programme

Research disciplines
Natural sciences
- Catalysis
waste gases
Project description
The EU process industry needs to become less dependent of fossils as source of carbon, and – at the same time - to reduce the greenhouse effect by decarbonizing the economy. Carbon4PUR will tackle the two challenges at the same time by transforming the CO2/CO containing flue gas streams of the energy-intensive industry into higher value intermediates for market-oriented consumer products. The industrially driven, multidisciplinary consortium will develop and demonstrate a novel process based on direct chemical flue gas mixture conversion, avoiding expensive physical separation, thus substantially reducing the carbon footprint, and also contributing to high monetary savings.
Role of Ghent University
Conditioning of Secondary Raw Material Waste Streams Selectively remove H2 from an industrial CO/CO2 rich waste stream Develop H2 removal catalysts/materials via a single step catalytic methanation process or a two-step chemical looping process Investigate the quality of the mixed gas streams using samples of the flue gases for trials at Ghent University Develop a catalytic procedure on how to remove H2 from the CO/CO2 rich flue gases from Arcelor Mittal
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the authority can be held responsible for them.