

01 October 2022 → 30 September 2024
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Human-computer interaction
    • Virtual reality and related simulation
  • Engineering and technology
    • Human-centred design
AR VR XR user experience user research human centered design
Project description

Extended reality (XR) is seen as a strong emerging technology with an increasing integration of sensors. This technology is ideally suited to simulate different processes, where human interactions are central, in a cheap, efficient and scalable way in realistic environments.

This is in contrast to the current reality: for the time being, XR is an underused tool within the Flemish industry. Through this project, we want to present our expertise in the design and execution of a multitude of XR-driven experiments to industry players in a manageable way. We see this mainly applicable within simulated user experiences nml (1) user tests and (2) education and training. We notice that it is not easy for many companies and organizations to make that step and that setting up new XR tests or training or integrating XR within their existing processes is difficult or that they do not (yet) see the added value.


From our own research, we see that XR technology offers a lot of potential here, to quickly model certain product experiences, with which a first use case can be analyzed (user tests). In addition, training processes can  be translated into virtual environments, with particular attention to sensory realism. In both cases, this 'digital' user experience, i.e. the early interaction with a prototype or the course of a training, can be extensively mapped thanks to the increasing number of built-in sensors, and the absolute control over the virtual digital environment and all components within it.

General purpose

In recent years we have researched and developed new methods, tools and software to validate testing and training in XR as well as to further automate them by using new protocols. In TETRA ExperienceTwin we want to look further at how these user experiences can also be applied by companies with sufficient added value. More specifically, look at what state-of-the-art tools are available to build interactive and digital experience twins  of these processes, and how they can be integrated by companies into their existing workflows. Finally, we investigate how we can translate observed behaviour during these experiences (including psycho-physiological data) into concrete ISO standards, and  generate comprehensive reports with insights into the user experience.


Within our target group, we make a distinction between Integrators and Customers. The target group of Integrators consisting of dozens of small and medium-sized Flemish companies with a tradition in simulation and ICT.  The target group of Customers consists of an extensive group of companies from various sectors where these user-centered services offer added value. ExperienceTwin will enable them (1) to focus on the right technology based on informed decisions, (2) get started with available tools themselves, (3) guide them in their question articulation and (4) find and (5) communicate with the appropriate partners where necessary.

Concrete goals

  • Technology exploration. The intended goal of technology exploration is that the target group has actively experimented with (1) tools to set up immersive environments efficiently and cheaply in which user tests can take place, (2) XR platforms that allow to generate a large number of objective metrics of user experience during the virtual user test and (3) methods to translate objective user data into concrete industry standard (ISO standards) reporting. of user experience. This isdone through at least 7 thematic workshops in consultation with the user group.
  • Technology adaptation: The intended goal of technology adaptation is to go through the explored XR technologies in at least 3 integral design processes and also to work out at least 8 concrete demonstrators.
  • Networking: Connecting partners from the supply and demand side and broadening the network through cross-pollination through the meetings of the guidance group, seminars, demos, workshops and during sessions of the XR academy of Howest, as well as at the marketplace and matchmaking session in the closing event.