
Stimulating sustainability in childhood. The effectiveness of communication strategies targeting children and adolescents to encourage sustainability

01 January 2021 → 31 December 2024
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Advertising
    • Consumer behaviour
    • Marketing communications
    • Communication management
    • Media and communication policy
    • Media and communication theory
    • Science and health communication
Behavioral change Sustainability Consumer behavior Sustainable consumption Children and parents Persuasive communication
Project description

In stimulating sustainable (and healthy) attitudes and behavior, it is important to start from a young age and to focus on minors. In that respect, children and adolescents are on the one hand an important primary (current and future) target group but also a secondary target group (for example, they influence their parents and peers). This research project therefore aims to investigate which (communication-) techniques (e.g. education, social media, nudges, etc.), with children and youngsters as a target group, can encourage (a) sustainable and healthy attitudes and behavior of minors themselves and (b) how this in turn can affect others (such as parents and peers). The project will also explore in which way this happens and via which mechanisms.