
Water Management - Water Management through Smart Leak Detection in Non-Residential Buildings

Water Management
15 October 2022 → 14 February 2025
Regional and community funding: Industrial Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Innovation and technology management
    • Data collection and data estimation methodology, computer programs
  • Engineering and technology
    • Sustainable buildings and cities
    • Water supply and demand
    • Automation and control systems
Water management leak detection water use water wastage
Project description

The objective of this IOF StarTT project is to prepare for the creation of a spin-off. The mission of the project team is to make a significant contribution to water and energy savings due to leak detection in water systems in buildings.

The ambition is for the spin-off to be: “A European expertise driven company that markets water leakage detection technology and provides case specific knowledge through consultancy on leak detection and water savings (with leak detection algorithms and water system simulation models), based on UGent proprietary know-how wherein our technology has a unique selling proposition”.

The team will initially focus on the European market of complex water installations of student housing, hotels, sport complexes and residential care centres (start with Belgium).

The spin-off as such will leverage on UGent’s know-how and expertise in hydraulic systems and water system modelling and its unique intellectual property and know-how.

The core team for this StarTT project consists of Prof. Dr. Ir.-Arch. Jelle Laverge as promoter and Dr. Eng. Lien De Backer, Dr. Ir.-Arch. Elisa Van Kenhove, Ir.-Arch. Laura De Jonge in the role of technical experts. The project is also supported by IOF-consortium EnerGhentIC (business developer Judith Ooms) and ChemTech (business developer Bart Hommez). The core team has the ambition to found a spin-off company.