
Generations II: Innovation partnership Flemish renewable energy industry

Generaties II
01 May 2007 → 30 April 2011
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Biocatalysis and enzyme technology
    • Bioprocessing, bioproduction and bioproducts
    • Fermentation
    • Industrial biotechnology diagnostics
    • Industrial microbiology
    • Industrial molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
    • Industrial biotechnology not elsewhere classified
energy technologies
Project description

GENERATIONS II aims to acquire a growing share of the Flemish industry in the international market for renewable energy (HE) and services through proactive and ongoing investments in innovation and strategic market positioning. This object is being sought by the further development of a strong co-operation of a pool innovative companies and research centers in renewable energy. This way GENERATIONS II will become a virtual knowledge pool of renewable energy technologies and services. Priority is given to strategic initiatives in various fields of renewable energy. A strategically important initiative is defined as an initiative that has a lasting, structural and internationally relevant impact for Flemish companies. These initiatives must develop a critical mass to establish an internationally relevant role of the Flemish industry in various fields.